• Always Ready
  • Highly Trained Paramedics
  • Honour Guard
  • Our Sudbury Paramedics
  • Serving the Big Nickel
  • Serving Vibrant Communities
  • Tactical Paramedics

OPA Political Action Fund

Thank you for supporting the Ontario Paramedic Association and our very important chapters across the province.

We created the Political Action Fund to advocate for patients and paramedics. This is a professional and financially-backed fund that has enabled the OPA to hire full-time Government Relations firm staffed by political advisors and strategists who engage government on behalf of paramedics. 

The OPA is the only group in Ontario to develop a fund specific to paramedic lobbying and advancement. 

Why is a Political Action Fund required? 

It is well known that 11,574 full-time firefighters contribute $5/biweekly (in addition to their regular dues) to the provincial fire-union's Fire-PAC (Political Action Committee). That is over $1.5M per year designated specifically to lobbying, which has proven to be very effective for firefighters. 

The political influence and pressure from the fire union cannot be understated. 

Paramedics need to be united

In order to effectively and professionally represent paramedics in the Ontario Legislature, we have launched our own OPA Political Action Fund. Paramedics from across Ontario have been showing their support through monthly contributions. 

Our primary goal is to ensure that paramedics unite and financially support advocacy efforts so that any decisions made about paramedicine are grounded in evidence, guided by best practice and have paramedic voices at table.

Support the OPA Political Action Fund

If you'd like to contribute to the OPA Political Action Fund, please log into your member account, go to “My Political Action Fund,” and select an amount.

Thank-you so much for your continued support.



Sudbury Paramedic Association

  • 1 Dundas Street West (Suite 2500)
    Toronto ON M5G 1Z3